

来源: | 发布日期:4个月前 | 浏览次数:







  1. **高性能检票闸机**:提供多种检票方式,包括二维码扫描、RFID卡识别等,满足不同观众的入场需求。闸机设计人性化,操作简便,即便在高峰时段也能保持高效通行。

  2. **智能票务管理系统**:集成票务销售、验证、统计等功能于一体,实现票务信息的实时监控与管理。系统支持大数据分析,为活动主办方提供宝贵的观众行为数据,助力后续活动策划。

  3. **现场技术支持与服务**:缘通租赁派遣专业团队,在活动现场提供全天候技术支持与服务,确保检票系统的稳定运行,及时解决可能出现的任何问题。









  **English Version**

  **Successful Case of Channel Toll and Ticket Checking Gate Rental in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province**

  In Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, a city rich in history and vibrant with vitality, various large-scale events and cultural exhibitions emerge endlessly, injecting continuous vitality into the citys cultural exchange and economic development. However, for event organizers, how to efficiently and safely manage people flow and ensure the smooth progress of events has always been a considerable challenge. It is against this background that Yuantong Rental, with its professional rental service of channel toll and ticket checking gates, has successfully supported multiple large-scale events and won high praise from clients.

  This summer, a well-known convention and exhibition center in Hangzhou hosted an international anime festival spanning three days. As an annual event, the anime festival attracted anime enthusiasts, industry experts, and media representatives from around the world, with an expected attendance exceeding 100,000. Faced with such a huge crowd, the event organizers urgently needed an efficient and reliable ticket checking system to ensure that every visitor could quickly and orderly enter the venue, while effectively preventing fake tickets, ticket evasion, and other behaviors to maintain the normal order of the event.

  In response to this demand, Yuantong Rental quickly provided a customized rental solution for channel toll and ticket checking gates for the event organizers. The solution included high-performance ticket checking gates, an intelligent ticketing management system, and on-site technical support and services.

  On the day of the event, as the first rays of sunlight fell on the square of the convention and exhibition center, visitors from all directions began to arrive. In front of the ticket checking gates provided by Yuantong Rental, visitors


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